What is Church Ball?

It is four, six minute quarters played according to high school rules. It is a group of generally overweight, overly geared, and overly hairy men attempting to show everyone else exactly why they were selected for the Junior Jazz all star team way back in sixth grade. The cliche often used to describe Church sponsored basketball is, "the brawl that starts with a prayer". Yes, men tend to take their Church ball seriously. Emotions run high when one is vying for stake and region dominance.

However, despite it's well earned reputation as an outlet for old burnouts to relive the glory days of their youth (you know, when they should have made the high school team if it wasn't for all the "politics"), there is something else going on underneath the surface of Church basketball. Something wonderful..

Take my team for example. So far this season we have lost all four games we have played. Well actually, a better description would be that we have been demolished in all four games by upwards of thirty points. Now anyone who knows me is well aware of the fact that I don't like to lose, and if I lose it better not be by a thirty point margin. Couple this with the painful remembrance that two years ago we fielded one of the best teams in the stake, routinely beating our opponents by thirty points a night and you may understandably ask, why do I keep going back when I know a good drubbing awaits?

The truth is I go back because I have discovered the wonderful secret behind Church Ball. The secret is that it exists to bring people to Christ.

Allow me to explain.

If you take a quick glance at our team roster you will find the names of four inactive brethren (two are prospective elders) and one non-member. I challenge you to name any other meeting or activity in the entire Church where that same demographic can be found. I bet you can't find even one. So although two years ago our team might have been one of the best in the stake, that team consisted of only active brethren. As far as I am concerned the trade off is a good one.

So again let us reconsider the question, what is Church ball? It is an opportunity to participate in the mission of the church, perfecting the saints and proclaiming the gospel. It is a chance to form friendships and build trust with individuals that might not have any other contact with the Church. It is a chance to exemplify what it means to be a priesthood holder and a disciple of Christ.

Sure there will always be the showboaters and guys yelling at the referees. There will always be those that take the game far too seriously. On the other hand though, there will always be opportunities to reach out to our brethren and fellowship them as Christ would. So the next time you find yourself suited up in your Micheal Jordans and sweat bands, throwing elbows in the middle of a rugby-esque scrum for the ball, remember what the purpose of Church ball really is, and try not to draw any blood.


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